What Changed India’s ISRO After Narendra Modi Became Prime Minister in 2014

What Changed India’s ISRO After Narendra Modi Became Prime Minister in 2014

India : 24th August 2023

Did Narendra Modi change the fortunes of ISRO since 2014 ? The answer is yes.

After the Modi government came into power in 2014, India’s premier space research organization, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), has undergone significant changes that have transformed the organization and its role in the country’s space program.One of the most notable changes has been the increased focus on private sector participation in the country’s space industry. The Modi government has introduced policies that encourage private companies to invest in space technology and has also established a framework for the development of a commercial space sector in India.

In addition to this, the Modi government has also prioritised the development of cutting-edge technologies and has allocated significant resources to the development of new technologies such as reusable launch vehicles and satellite-based communication systems.Another major change has been the expansion of ISRO’s presence and activities beyond the Indian subcontinent. The organization has made significant strides in expanding its presence in the international space community and has also established partnerships with other countries to collaborate on space projects.

Overall, the changes that have taken place in ISRO since the Modi government came into power have helped to position the organization as a leader in the global space community and have also helped to transform the country’s space program.You asked:How much did ISRO earn since 2014 from International sattelite launches

India’s successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the moon has put the country among the elite group of nations that have successfully conducted lunar landings. The achievement is a testament to India’s advancements in space research and technology, and has put the country on the global space stage.

Chandrayaan-3’s landing on the moon’s south pole is significant because it is an uncharted territory, and it has opened up new possibilities for scientific exploration and research on the lunar surface. The mission has also demonstrated India’s capability to develop and launch complex missions, and has showcased the country’s technical prowess in the field of space research.

India’s success in lunar exploration has also put the country in a strong position to participate in international space missions and collaborations. The country’s expertise and resources can now be leveraged to contribute to the global exploration of the moon and other celestial bodies.

Overall, India’s success in landing Chandrayaan-3 on the moon has put the country among the world leaders in space research and technology. The achievement has showcased India’s capabilities and has opened up new opportunities for scientific exploration and collaboration in the field of space research.