Is Expansion Of BRICS End Of US Domination On All Countries As A Big Boss?

Is Expansion Of BRICS End Of US Domination On All Countries As A Big Boss?

South Africa : 24th August 2023

As the world continues to evolve, the influence of the BRICS Nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) on the global stage is becoming increasingly evident. The BRICS countries have come a long way since their formation in 2006, and their economic power and political clout have been steadily growing.

Recently, there have been speculations that the expansion of the BRICS nations could be the end of US domination on all countries. Some experts argue that the BRICS countries, with their combined economic power and political influence, are becoming a formidable force to be reckoned with, and that their expansion could signal the beginning of a new world order.

The expansion of the BRICS nations is expected to bring together a group of countries that represent a significant portion of the global population and economy. With the addition of new members, the BRICS nations are expected to have even greater influence in the international arena, and to be able to shape global policies and decisions.

However, it is important to note that the BRICS nations are not a monolithic bloc, and that their interests and priorities may not always align. While the BRICS countries may have common goals in some areas, such as promoting trade and investment, they may also have differences in other areas, such as foreign policy.

BRICS New members will be:

1 – Argentina

2 – Iran

3 – Saudi Arabia

4 – Egypt

5 – United Arab Emirates

A draft of the final statement of the summit, obtained indicates that the names have already been defined.Six of the world’s nine-biggest oil producers will be members of the BRICS as of the 1st of January, 2024.

In conclusion, the expansion of the BRICS nations could be seen as a significant development in the global political landscape. It remains to be seen how this will play out, but it is clear that the BRICS countries are becoming a more influential force in the world. The future of global politics and economics will be shaped by the actions and decisions of these nations, and the world will be watching closely.