Radicalization of Muslim Youth’s A Cause For Terror attacks !!

Radicalization of Muslim Youth’s A Cause For Terror attacks !!

Radicalization of Muslim youth’s a cause for terror attacks and leading to suspicion & Polarization against them, which is a matter of significant concern. The radicalization of young Muslims can lead to extremist beliefs and violent actions, which can result in terrorist attacks. It is important to address the root causes of radicalization and work towards creating a more peaceful and inclusive society for all.

ISIS has been a major driver of radicalization in Muslim communities around the world. ISIS has used violent tactics and propaganda to recruit individuals and spread its extremist ideology.

ISIS’s hardline Islam propaganda often targets young people, particularly those who may feel disconnected from their communities or society at large. The group presents itself as a solution to these feelings of disenfranchisement, promising a sense of belonging and purpose to those who join its ranks.

In addition, ISIS has used social media and other online platforms to spread its message and recruit new members. This has made it easier for the group to reach a global audience, including individuals who may not have had access to extremist ideologies in the past,

Various other radicalized groups also add fuel to this fire of radicalization in the youth for establishing Islamic state and Supremacy of Shariat, this has resulted in a increase of radicalization world over.

One approach to addressing radicalization is through education and community engagement. By providing young Muslims with access to education and opportunities for personal and professional growth, we can help to empower them and provide them with positive alternatives to extremist ideologies along with a stringent approach towards those groups or individuals who fuel hatred for other religions,

Human Rights of Right to Preach cannot be construed as right to forced religious conversions or forcing your faith on other faiths. The mentality of implimentation of Islamist supremacy by all means needs to be erased or tackled by ammending such Human Rights given by law, which unfortunately allows overpowering others more than empowering them.

It is also important to promote interfaith dialogue and understanding. By fostering relationships between people of different faiths, we can help to build bridges of trust and respect , which can help to prevent radicalization and promote peace.

In addition, it is important to address the underlying social and economic issues that can contribute to radicalization, such as poverty, unemployment, and discrimination. By working towards creating a more equitable and just society, we can help to reduce the likelihood of radicalization and promote peace and stability.

Overall, addressing the radicalization of Muslim youth requires a multi-faceted approach that involves education, community engagement, interfaith dialogue, and addressing underlying social and economic issues.