Rule of land supreme, not your policy: Parliamentary panel tells Twitter

Rule of land supreme, not your policy: Parliamentary panel tells Twitter

Arrogant Twitter

Representatives of Twitter met the Parliamentary Panel today, they were summoned after the Fake Loni Video incident which has also led to a FIR against Twitter MD Manish Maheshvari, Twitter Inc. ans Twitter India.

The parliamentary panel was chaired by Congress’s Shashi Tharoor to discuss the issue of its guidelines and the misuse of its platform. During the deposition, Twitter India’s public policy manager Shagufta Kamran and legal counsel Ayushi Kapoor represented Twitter before the panel.

The arrogance of Twitter reflected when during the meeting, the panel asked the company, if it follows the law of the land, to which a representative responded saying, “We follow our own policies”

The members then told Twitter that Law of the land is “supreme” and asked the company to abide by them. They also asked Twitter to explain why it should not be fined for ‘violating’ rule of land, reported news agency PTI.

Though Twitter may have appeared before the Parliamentary Panel but it’s arrogance reflected in its views put forth, it’s high time Indian Government penalized Twitter India Heavily and if they are umoved, immediately suspend Twitter’s India Operations, let them approach Courts and make themselves answerable and till that time its operations remain suspended to bring them back to their Senses in India !

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