Why Is Centre And Maharashtra Government Mum On Private Hospitals Overcharging For Vaccines

Why Is Centre And Maharashtra Government Mum On Private Hospitals Overcharging For Vaccines

Centre And Maharastra Government Mum On Private Hospitals Overcharging Citizens For Vaccines

Mumbai ,14th July 2021, It’s almost over a Month now that there is a Vaccine shortage across Maharashtra in all Government Center’s.

In Private Hospitals across Mumbai there are many Private hospitals who get stocks and they are Vaccinating Citizens ,which is good, but there are many Complaints of Hospitals overcharging for these Vaccines !

Co-Win App shows a amount to be charged for the Vaccine from Citizens in these Private Hospitals, but what is the amount charged ? Double of what is being shown !

Citizens are frantically searching for Centers to get Vaccinated and paying whatever is being denanded,reason ? Alll have seen the havoc created by the second wave of Covid-19,many have lost their loved ones and the sole aim of all is to get protection from this deadly Virus.

Despite many people losing their jobs and livelihood, citizens of the country are trying to stay afloat some how,but what is the Government doing ? Governments both the Centre and the State are aware of ground realities,that people are being overcharged for Vaccines ! But what have both done ? Nothing !

Private Hospitals are buying their allotted share of Vaccine from the Manufacturer’s as allowed and administering them to those who want to take in private hospitals,but at a higher price than what reflects on the Government platform Co-Win.

Health being a State Subject Government of any state is responsible for checks and balance’s,but it seems Maharashtra Government has left people to fend for themselves.

Why is State Government and the Central Government Silent on this mess happening ? Why no remedial actions have been taken by the State and the Centre ? It seems both the State and Central Government know that there is Profiteering happening in some Private Hospitals,but are quiet to hide there own anomalies and let the Citizens Suffer.

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