Was India Really A Secular Democracy When It Attained Independence ?

Was India Really A Secular Democracy When It Attained Independence ?

The current situation of India is like Political Parties have mastered the art of Justice Delayed ,do a wrong and let it go to courts and there keep dragging the cases ,which will remain pending for ages and till then keep taking dates, that’s what Congress has been doing in courts past so many year’s,even in clear cut cases where guilt is seen and can be proven instantly but they have kept it dragging, Bjp was expected to bring in Judicial and Police reforms even they have been late on the same,be it National Security issues in front of them or be it Political resons or Challenges like Covid.

Judicial reforms are needed but to no avail earlier congress delayed it in the name of minority or coalition government and now even Bjp has been delaying it, be it deliberately or due to in efficiency of the opposition where laws which go to select committee’s remain stuck there as well, and when laws like CAA,Farm laws get approved create a ruckus against it trying to prove it anti minorities even when they are not !

India is moving towards a millennium but political and religious satraps are holding reforms which are over due, along with removal of laws which have been a thorn in the history of this country.

Region and religion are the self laid traps of those playing minority card and they are getting entangled themselves in it. The minorities by crying foul after instigating the majority are themselves reason for Vote consolidation of the majority in India. Kashmir which was named after Rishi Kashyap had a long history of Pandits, the massacre of Hindu’s and non fanatic Muslim’s by Pakistan sponsored terrorists is another wound inflicted on this country ‘s History.

A secular democracy doesn’t mean any crap be tolerated of anyone,it gives rights and freedom to everyone but within the parameters of natural justice and not one sided justice, example of it is mercy petitions filed against terrorists and terror sympathisers who attack the country by Political parties or individuals affiliated to few parties.

Pointing at the majority for discrimination is very easy but when hatred is being spewed every now and then in the form of killings and attacks on majority religion a back lash is never the less a expected response.

The language of calling other religions as kafirs and  killings of citizen’s be it Hindu’s,Christians or any other religions in Kashmir,Kerala, Karnataka or Kolkata has been adding more fuel to that fire.

Patronage of Rohingiya’s and Bangladeshi infiltrators, along with turning a blind eye to wrong doings by Muslim’s has been another Bane and responsible for this mess.

Muslim countries have been moving towards reforms and freedom and India moving backwards, a secular democracy ( a tag ) added during emergency forcefully in to the constitution of this country has shown it’s colors for long.

A country which was  divided and partitioned on the name of religion where in Majority Muslim’s voted not to stay with the Hindu’s ,and still some stay back and then when they try and forcefully impliment their religious rules, beliefs and regulations and are opposed they hate to see a backlash and cry foul on the name of secularism.

India and all Indians specially Indian Muslims need to shed the tag of being hardliner’s and authortaian and curb those who have a sick mindset of implimenting and waging a war (Jihad) against other religions or else this religious discourse will never end.

May good sense prevail amongst all religions specially the Fanatics in all religions to curb the menace and follow the principles that the law of the land has to prevail and not of whims and fancies of anyone or any religion.

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