BMC : Schools And Colleges To Reopen from October 4th For Classes 8th to 12th in Mumbai

BMC : Schools And Colleges To Reopen from October 4th For Classes 8th to 12th in Mumbai

BMC : School’s And College’s To Reopen from October 4th For Classes 8th to 12th in Mumbai

Few days after making the announcement that classes will start for students of 8th to 12th,the Brihan Mumbai Municipal Corporation today issued orders for classes to start for students of class 8th to 12th from 4th October.

BMC Commissioner Iqbal Chahal said that for the rest of the classes, the civic body will make a decision in November. However, the BMC said that the COVID guidelines issued by the government will be applied to all schools under BMC jurisdiction.

It is expected that other Municipal Corporation’s also will now follow suite and open up ,the only problem is will parents agree to take the risk and send their kids to attend classes ?

There is no doubt that Education of Children has taken a hit in the Covid-19 Pandemic and is affecting overall development of kid’s,but considering the current scenario how safe is it to send children to attend classes is a question which the Parent’s need to ask themselves.

Karnataka also had recently allowed schools to open for in-person classes for Class 6 to Class 8, while requiring students and staff to follow strict COVID-19 safety protocols, but this was a short-lived episode !A school in Bengaluru has become a COVID-19 cluster after 60 of its nearly 500 students tested positive. Two were found to be symptomatic and the school has been shut till October 20.

Similar problem is bound to happen in Mumbai and other suburbs too, and sooner or later again the classes opened up will have to be shut again.

Despite knowing that in the 3rd wave kids are going to be affected and Pediatric wards for kid’s are already prepared Governments across all states are already expecting the same,only question to them is ” Is it worth taking this risk” ?

Note : Images are for representation purpose only

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