Deltacron Variant Of Covid 19 Spreading in various Countries, Maharashtra Additional Health Secretary issues Advisory

Deltacron Variant Of Covid 19 Spreading in various Countries, Maharashtra Additional Health Secretary issues Advisory

Central Government has issued an advisory to State’s regarding rise of Covid 19 cases across the world, following which Maharashtra Additional Health Secretary has issued an advisory to the State of Maharashtra.

The advisory states : New Covid cases after declining over last few weeks are now slowing and steadily
rising in many parts of the world. E
arlier increase in Covid cases was limited to South Asian
Countries but now cases are also increasing rapidly in China and Europe.

Weekly new cases
in world are now more than 11 Million with weekly growth of8-10%.
In past 24 hours some countries have recorded highest ever new Covid cases since the beginning of the pandemic 2 years back. South Korea has reported 6.21 Lakh new Covid
cases in a day and Germany 2.62 Lakh new Covid cases in a day and United Kingdom about 94,000 cases in last 24 hours.

Population of South Korea is about 5.18 Crores and that of Germany is about 8.32 Crores. Compared to that in our State with population of about 12.2 Crores, highest daily new cases ever have been around 68,000 in a day in Second surge. This comparison is to show extent of infection in South Korea and Europe. Some new variant is suspected to fuelling infections in Israel and other Countries.

With all restrictions almost relaxed in our State we need to be alert and at this point of time we need to do the following-
• Crowding needs to be avoided
• Appropriate masking needs to be stressed.
• Be alert in identifying clusters of SARI and ILI cases. ILI and SARI surveillance needs to be stepped up.
• Vaccination against Covid needs to be pushed up as much as possible. We are much below National average.
Though at present we are quite comfortable with only around 2,000 active Covid cases, but situation may dramatically change over next few weeks.

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