Drone Attack At IAF Base In Jammu,How Will India Retaliate !

Drone Attack At IAF Base In Jammu,How Will India Retaliate !

As per NIA the attack on Jammu Airforce Base using Stealth Drones is a plot of ISI and explosives used was RDX. On one side Pakistan calls for a Cease Fire on the Border and in the other side it’s Intelligence Agencies are again up to their Dirty tricks as usual.

It’s not even 3 days Prime Minister Narendra Modi had called a meeting of all Jammu Kashmir leader’s,in which hardliners like Mehbooba Mufti was quick to latch on to Article 370 & 35 A restoration, she also wanted Indian Government to speak to Pakistan on Kaahmir.

The attack on Jammu Airport is after the FATF (Financial Action Task Force ) again pulled up Pakistan and retained them in the Grey List for not acting on Terror Master minds for Terror Activities and Money Laundering, it seems even the attack on LET chief Masood Azhar was a planned strategy of Pakistan,to divert attention of the world to show they are also victims of Terror, which they are not.

Pakistan sponsor’s terrorism despite its own kitty being almost empty, Funds received as aid has been always used by Pakistan in promoting , Sponsoring and harbouring Terrorist’s, with the aide of China another rogue neighbour of India. it will have to be seen in coming days how India reacts or retaliates to this new Misadventure of Pakistan as after Pathankot Incident India had retaliated with Targeted and Precision strikes of Terror camps across the border.

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