How Article 370 in Jammu&Kashmir and Inclusion Of Word Secular During Emergency hurts Congress The Most Even Today !!

How Article 370 in Jammu&Kashmir and Inclusion Of Word Secular During Emergency hurts Congress The Most Even Today !!

On August 5th, 2019, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, which had been granted under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. This move sparked widespread protests and demonstrations in the region, as well as criticism from opposition parties and human rights groups.One of the most vocal critics of the move has been the Indian National Congress party. The Congress party has a long history in Jammu and Kashmir, having been a major player in the region’s politics for decades. However, the party’s support in the region has been eroding in recent years, and many analysts attribute this to the party’s stance on Article 370 and the inclusion of the word “secular” during the Emergency period.The Congress party has traditionally been seen as a pro-secular party, which means that it supports the separation of religion and state. However, during the Emergency period, which lasted from 1975 to 1977, the Congress party led by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared a state of Emergency, which gave the government sweeping powers to suppress dissent and curtail civil liberties. This period saw widespread human rights abuses and the suppression of political opposition.Many Congress party leaders and supporters in Jammu and Kashmir have argued that the revocation of Article 370 and the inclusion of the word “secular” during the Emergency period have hurt the party’s image in the region. They argue that these moves have reinforced the perception that the Congress party is not committed to the principles of secularism and democracy, and that it is willing to use authoritarian tactics to maintain power.In conclusion, the revocation of Article 370 and the inclusion of the word “secular” during the Emergency period have been major factors in the decline of the Congress party’s support in Jammu and Kashmir. The party’s history in the region and its commitment to secularism and democracy have been called into question, and many analysts believe that the party must address these concerns if it hopes to regain the support of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.