Is Government of India going Soft on Twitter ?

Is Government of India going Soft on Twitter ?


Is the Indian Government going soft on Twitter is a question which is going around in the mind’s of all Indian’s !

Yes Twitter may have lost its Intermediary status , but Indian Government seems to be reluctant to ban it, reason being most Government department’s and official’s are working and resolving complaints received by them via the same platform !

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has Millions of Followers on Twitter so do other Public Figures from all Political parties, banning twitter means eroding off the entire base of followers Nationally and Internationally as most International Heads of States are on the same common platform which is Twitter !

Twitter may be behaving rude and is on the verge of being banned and till now should have been already banned but, a lot seems to be happening behind the scene’s !

Banning Twitter will not resolve the issue of Compliance of the New IT Laws, which were made after the Supreme Court of India ordered the Government of India to make and implement, it’s a give & take relationship, yes Twitter may be giving the Crap of Freedom of Speech under the garb of allowing unauthenticated News but it also is giving out assistance in Governance to the Modi Government.

The current regime of Narendra Modi Government in India has given out the mantra of Digital India, so banning twitter will be like killing a digital platform which aides in Governance, the foot has been put down and Twitter will comply with the laws or should comply with the laws as it has only 1.7 Crore users in India compared to other platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp,Instagram or youtube which have way more user’s in India.

Twitter is playing a delaying tactic it seems and awaiting the judgement in the Case filed by Whatsapp, if the judgement goes in Favour of Whatsapp it gives leverage to Twitter, to legally challenge the new rules ,but that seems very difficult as the rules as known were made and implemented because of Supreme Court of India, So no lower Court can over turn the same, Sooner or later Compliance of the new laws should and will have to be done in this Digital Era, defiance will mean non acceptance of Indian Laws and getting banned which both be it Twitter or be it the Government would not want.

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