Is Maharashtra On The Verge Of A Bigger Covid-19 Crisis ?

Is Maharashtra On The Verge Of A Bigger Covid-19 Crisis ?

Maharashtra today reported the highest number of Covid-19 Cases 47827 ,even higher from the start of the Pandemic a Year back in 2020 .

What has led Maharashtra to this stage of Covid-19 Pandemic ?  We TheVoiceOfCitizens feel Citizen’s and Govt both went lethargic after a while Citizens have let their guard down and have taken as if Covid has gone whereas the fact is vice versa, Shop owners write outside their shops NO MASK NO ENTRY but the fact is anywhere you see Staff and Customers are without Mask’s.

Local trains were started for convenience of Citizen’s to travel but they too or over crowded, All Govt’s to be blamed for not developing the Infrastructure.

On the other hand the Government went lethargic in Contact Tracing of Positive Patient’s which in turn created more super Spreader’s of the Virus and now it’s all resurging.

In totality, we the Citizen’s are to be blamed for the Mess arising again !! if we would have been responsible enough to not let our Guard down, Govt would not have thought of putting in stringent measures in to place.

if still we TheCitizen’s don’t take precautions we are bound to face another Lockdown as the 2nd wave has already started and is more dangerous and wide spread in infecting, Maharashtra clearly looks on the verge of a major Covid-19 Crisis!!!

As we say Precaution is better than Cure and in this case precaution will be better than a Health & Financial Crisis which is staring at all in the form of a complete Lockdown again.

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