Karnataka Hijab Controversy : Keep religion out of Educational institutions

Karnataka Hijab Controversy : Keep religion out of Educational institutions

Karnataka Hijab Controversy : Keep religion out of Educational institutions

Uniforms in any Educational institutions are for Uniformity where any student coming to study is just a student, but moment anybody breaches that uniformity it becomes abnormal ,some may take it for granted as a right but actually it’s the violation of uniformity in Educational institutions.

In today’s world where in Countries like Afghanistan and Iran where women are fighting and struggling for their freedom on imposed dress codes of a Hijab or Head scarf, some student’s resorted to it is surprising 🤔.

In any Educational Institution if there is a uniform it is to maintain a balance amongst all, where a rich, poor or student of any religion is just a student who’s sole goal is and should be only to gain Education.

Religion should not step in to such institutions Schools disallow Kalawas or even Rakhi on Students hands just to keep religion out of Educational institutions and it should be the same, preaching and practising a particular religion does not give any body the right to play around with the fundamentals of any Educational Institution.

All can practice ..Preach their religion but outside the gates of a Educational institutions ! It is high time a clear cut message goes across to all students be they of any religion, caste or Creed that either follow uniform of the Educational institution where you study or move out to a institution where uniform is not mandatory.

Violation by any student in any Educational institutions which has specified a uniform should be dealt with strongly and Uniform rules have to be adhered by all no matter what religion they be, Politicians need to keep religion outside Educational institutions in a Democratic Country or else hardliners are just waiting for an opportunity to capitalise on such mindsets to invoke hatred.

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