Maharashtra Rolls Back Government Election Officer Rule For Small Co-operative Housing Societies

Maharashtra Rolls Back Government Election Officer Rule For Small Co-operative Housing Societies

Maharashtra Rolls Back Government Election Officer Rule For Small Co-operative Housing Societies

Maharashtra Government finally did away with the rule of appointing a government official to conduct elections. This relaxation will be given to housing societies with less than 250 members, making it easy, and will reduce the financial burden on societies. Societies can now appoint a member who is not contesting and has no dues pending as returning officer to oversee the

Though it was a mess created by Maharashtra Government itself in the first place ! Where there was no Fees specified for conducting Elections in the rules and it was the official who had the freedom to chose his charges for the service, directly burdening smaller Housing societies with the rule of appointing a government official for conducting Society Elections and a unnecessary financial expenditure imposed on societies.

Speaking on the budget discussion,
cooperation minister Balasaheb
Patil said that the government had
decided to do away with this
requirement after requests from
societies and a final order will be
issued in 15 days. He said this will
benefit many societies in the state.

Though the Maharashtra Government has decided to abolish the rules but already a lot of Co operative housing societies have paid a big amounts to these Government officials for a internal elections and have borne the brunt of a unnecessary expenditure.

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