P Chidambarams Failed Attempt To Invoke Sentiments Of Middle Class Indians

P Chidambarams Failed Attempt To Invoke Sentiments Of Middle Class Indians

Ex-Finance Minister and a Accussed in the INX Media case P.Chidambaram’ tried stoking the sentiments of the Indian middle class citizen’s via a news article in the Indian Express, where he wonders if there is really a middle class in India with middle class values of Constitutional correctness 🤔. Was it really necessary to drag the Constitution even in the ethos and values of families ?

With his article itself, the former Finance Minister was clearly seen venting out his annoyance towards the average Indian middle class Voter ! , who has outrightly rejected the Congress party for it’s biased Secular credentials and has been giving thumping victories to the Narendra Modi led Bjp, to whom the one time mighty Congress has no reply.

Mr. P Chidambaram in his article seems to have a grudge against the middle class for not going against Narendra Modi and feels that the middle class is conspicuously absent today. Nothing seems to stir the middle classes out of their self-imposed isolation 🙄.

Mr. chidambram has miserably failed 👎 in his attempt to stoke sentiments of Middle class, by invoking Price Rise, taxes, Migration of citizens during Covid and deaths during it.

Whereas even the world Health Organization had praised India’s efforts, on it’s free food grain distribution and handling of the covid situation. It seems the Ex Finance Minister has forgotten scenes of people dying on streets in many western Countries as well !!

No doubt there were many death’s in India , across all Indian States, which State Governments under reported, be it any Government, but as usual the ruling dispensation is on the target always, Covid-19 was a pandemic which none of these politicians had ever faced in their own life time, so there were bound to be issues, like every other country faced, but only we Indians have a habit of insulting our own country in front of the world, which he feels still thinks India as a third world country.

Congress party on other hand had left no stone unturned to pursue cases against the current PM Narendra Modi, by accusing him and trying to prove him solely responsible and guilty for the Gujarat Riots, A case in which they (Congress) could not prove anything and Modi got a clean chit from every Court in this country including the Supreme court recently.

And finally ,why the Congress as a Party has failed ,its because of always projecting Indian Muslims and this time Mr. Chidambaram even used Christians as being oppressed as a minority, the biggest reason for the debacle of Congress back to back in all Elections is due to their Hindu bashing, whom conveniently they were using by suppressing them Indirectly or accusing them of all wrong doings !, including the 26/11 attacks !! by naming it Saffron terror first, a claim which fell flat on the face of Congress like a rotten egg, after Kasab was caught.

This country India has many other minorities which are way smaller in terms of sheer numbers alone than Muslims, who amounted to 15% as per the last census and may be somewhere around 24 to 25% currently but they (Congress Party) only projects to present themselves as the Champions of Muslim community alone, whereas other minorities are out of their vision and scope.

Mr. P Chidambaram belongs to a party who’s own PM had inserted the word secular in the constitution after imposing emergency !! And he Is invoking middle class values of Constitutional correctness ??🙄🙄

Till the time Congress and P Chidambaram don’t realise why the Indian Middle class has deserted them,attempts like his article to stoke sentiments for votes are only going to back fire more on him and his party, and by the time they realise the actual constitutional ethos and values of what the word secular means, they maybe a bygone in the Political narrative of this country.

Nobody is saying Narendra Modi is completely right,nobody can be right always in everything,but one thing why the entire Nation or every Indian across the world feels connected with PM Narendra Modi is because he has put India at par with the World, a India which knows to stand up against it’s adversaries and will not fall prey to bullying or threats of anyone, be it Individuals or Countries.

Jai Hind 🇮đŸ‡ŗ🇮đŸ‡ŗ

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