Places Of Worship Open From Tomorrow, Preparations Of Shirdi Saibaba Sansthan Trust

Places Of Worship Open From Tomorrow, Preparations Of Shirdi Saibaba Sansthan Trust

  • Shirdi Sansthan Trust Gets Ready For Devotees
    The State Government has ordered to open all religious places in Maharashtra from 16th November 2020. According to this, 06 thousand Sai devotees will be given the benefit of Darshan in Shri Sai Baba Samadhi Mandir every day and children below 10 years, pregnant women and persons above 65 years as well as Sai devotees who do not wear masks will not be allowed to enter the temple, informed the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute.
    Shri. On 14th November 2020, the State Government has ordered to open all religious places in Maharashtra on the occasion of Padva from 16th November. The coronation process is not over yet. Accordingly, a meeting was organized under the auspices of the District Collector’s Office at Shri Sai Hall to take various measures for the health of the devotees. The meeting was attended by Superintendent of Police Manoj Patil, MP Sadashiv Lokhande, MLA Radhakrishnan Vikhe Patil, Additional Superintendent of Police Shri. Were. On this occasion, District Collector Rajendra Bhosale gave guidance and inspected the arrangements at Darshanrang and Saiprasadalaya.
    Samadhi Mandir will be opened for Darshan after Kakad Aarti on 16th November. During the day, 06 thousand devotees will be admitted for darshan. Of these, 03,000 will be paid passes and 03,000 will be free passes. Sai devotees will have to book an online darshan pass at for darshan. Also, devotees who come to Shirdi will have to book offline darshan passes. Counters have been set up at all the residences of the institute for booking these offline darshan passes. Out of 03 thousand offline passes, 01 thousand passes were given to the villagers of Shirdi from 05.45 to 06.45 in the morning. Also, for each Aarti, a total of 60 Sai devotees will be admitted for Aarti. 10 passes will be given to Shirdi villagers who come first in each of these Aartis. Villagers will be given 10 art passes from Sai Udyan residence and villagers will not be allowed to enter the temple without voting card and Aadhar card. Also, 50 Aarti passes will be issued to important and very important dignitaries and donor devotees and paid Darshan passes will be issued from the pass distribution room at the public relations office in front of Gate No. 01. All Sai devotees should wear masks while going for Darshan. Sai devotees who do not wear masks as well as children below 10 years, pregnant women and persons above 65 years will not be allowed to enter the temple. Apart from this, it is forbidden to carry flowers, garlands and other worship materials in the temple.
    Devotees will be allowed to enter through gate number 02 and will be taken out through gate number 05 via Gurusthan temple after taking darshan from Samadhi temple from Vyadarkamai temple. Sanitation, thermal screening and foot washing will be arranged in Darshanrang. Mr. Bagate said that Sai devotees who have fever will be admitted to Kovid Care Hospital for immediate check up and treatment.
    Also, it may be inconvenient for Sai devotees to visit Shirdi only if their online booking has been confirmed. In addition, Sai devotees who are ill should not come for Darshan. Mr. Bagate appealed to all Sai devotees and villagers to cooperate with the Sansthan.

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