Russia-Ukraine Conflict Exposes Mentality Of United States And Nato

Russia-Ukraine Conflict Exposes Mentality Of United States And Nato

Russia-Ukraine Conflict Exposes Mentality Of United States And Nato

Russian President Vladimir Putin has not just invaded Ukraine, but has also called out the bluff of United States & Nato Countries, who have a habit of over exaggeration and a indirect expansionist programe of Nato, which has led to this Russian Invasion in the first place. It is a well known fact who broke the Soviet Union.

China is often called out as expantionist because what it has been doing with all it’s neighbouring Countries by predominantly sending in it’s army for incursions and taking over other Countries by force or by it’s debt trap. After ruling the lands now China wants control of the sea to dominate and dictate terms on the world economy.

On the other hand Russia tried it’s level best to get control of Afghanistan, United States funded and provided Arms to Taliban to fight the Russian Army, Russia also left Afghanistan bruised, then 26/11 happened and it changed the World, United States went behind Osama Bin Laden in same Afghanistan, and was left with a bloody nose after decades of war with the Taliban, a war which drained America financially as well as it’s Citizen’s mentally and finally they got him in Abbottabad, Pakistan ! In their ally country, who back stabbed them.

Russia and specially Putin knew this position of America, which was on a decline as a global power and had to retreat from Afghanistan, United States was always a country which boasted of giving protection to other countries, with a eye on the Natural Resources of those Countries, be it Iraq, be it Afghanistan or be it now Iran, or any other country, their war always started on the point of Nukes, which were never found there, but after each war United States did have a free run on their Natural resources as a Protection money.

Even after breaking Russia in to parts getting the other cold War era enemies in to a Nato Alliance and pitching them against Russia was the sole purpose of United States before and after the defeat in Afghanistan.

Russia clearly knew it can dominate and attack it’s old Soviet Union Countries to keep them away from aligning with it’s cold War era enemies and none of them will even think of attacking Russia due to financial Risks involved and loss of it’s tired and exhausted Army, which neither Nato Or United States would be able to justify back to it’s own Citizen’s back home.

Had NATO declared that it would never absorb Ukraine and make it a neutral buffer state, the Russian invasion would never have occurred.

Let’s hope good sense prevails and the talks between Russia and Ukraine succeed in Belarus and this so called Special operation of Russia ends or else the world will have to pay the price for the deeds of the Cold war enemies with lives of Billions of Citizen’s world wide as Russia has kept it’s Nukes on alert.

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