State Human Rights Commission Registers A Case Against Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation.

State Human Rights Commission Registers A Case Against Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation.

Mira Bhayandar,Thane : Maharashtra State Human Human Rights Commission registers a case against MBMC Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation after a Complaint was filed against them for illegally allowing a 2nd Landowner to take over a 25-year-old road, As per law the first land owner of the land had to file objections for land gone in road cutting and claim a TDR for it but that never happened, and after he sold that land to a Builder i.e. Harshill shah someone else was allotted the responsibility of doing the land grabbing for him whos said to be the front man of a leader from a Political Party.

Mbmc in 2020 had taken out a public notice in 2020 and had asked objections from General public at large for making a road, Siddhivinayak Marg alias Bakery Galli, in Bhayandar west to be taken in to the DP of the City as a 9 Meter Road, to which around 23 objections were filed, this was during the tenure of then Mbmc Commissioner Mr. Balaji Khatgaonkar.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Corporation also included the Corporator of that area Mrs. Vaishali Gajendra Rakvi, who had moved the proposal for making the road 9 Mtrs, sighting road width as small at many places, though her proposal itself was erroneous wherein the existing road widths shown across the particular road was not shown, but selectively only the widths which were small were projected.

Moreover works of making a new road and gutter were allotted to a contractor by Mbmc after the contractor reached a spot where the existing road width was wider where widths varied from 11.5 meters to 15.5 meters the contractor was stopped from making the road and the gutter by a person claiming to be the land owner, the person was a stinger of a National News Channel and runs a School which receives Govt aid who claimed to be the owner of the land and started erecting a structure taking away almost 4 mtrs of the existing road along with the gutter too and all this on a a public holiday when Mbmc was closed.

The residents filed complaints in writing to the Local Police station of Bhayandar west that night and informed the helpline of Police 112 that someone has encroached on the Public road and put metal sheets blocking the gutter and street lights the cops didn’t take any action considering that it was a public holiday the citizens next day again found the person putting laborer’s to completely cover the road with the metal sheet when the Citizens objected the owner called the cops who came in and questioned the concerned person , but despite he not having any evidence and he encroaching upon the public road nothing was done by the Police.

Citizens request to resolve the problem and remove the illegal encroachment with the existing Commissioner / Administrator Mr. Dilip Dhole who’s said to be blue eyed boy of the Maharashtra Chief minister Mr. Eknath Shinde turned futile, Ex-Mla Narendra Mehta, current Mla Geeta Jain and even the local Media turned a blind eye to this illegality after which a resident of that area Mr. Pradeep Bhatia, who’s a social worker and a RTI Activist filed a Complaint against MBMC with the state Human rights commission in February 2023, the case has been registered now and the citizens of the area which include many societies are also moving Bombay High Court against MBMC which has blatantly overstepped its rights and given away a public road after 25 yrs to a 2nd land owner which is not permissible under the Land acquisition act, Municipalities act or even the Town Planning Act.

Legal Notices issued to MBMC by Advocate Parthasarthi Saraf a Complainant and resident from that area also remained unanswered post which a decision was taken to move legally against MBMC, Citizens are now awaiting due justice because street lights have been removed by Adani Electricity on that road sending the area in to pitch darkness at night with open pit on the road dug by the builder, Local Media and YouTube news channels along with National news channels and Newspaper journalists have been told to stay away from this area and complaints sent to them, but the Citizens have vowed a fight back against MBMC and the illegal encroachment.