The Farce of Secularism & Soft Hindutva By Indian National Congress: A Cloak for Political Gains

The Farce of Secularism & Soft Hindutva By Indian National Congress: A Cloak for Political Gains

India, known for its rich cultural diversity and historical religious tolerance, has been plagued by the manipulation of the term “secularism” by the Indian National Congress (INC) party. A self-proclaimed champion of secularism, the party has continuously used this rhetoric as a cloak to serve their own political motives, rather than truly promoting the principles of equality and religious freedom.

For decades, the INC has projected itself as the torchbearer of secularism, promising to safeguard the interests of all communities and religions in the country. However, the reality is far from their claims. Time and again, the party has resorted to divisive politics, exploiting religious sentiments, and doling out appeasement policies to particular sections of the society for electoral gains.

Under the guise of secularism, the Congress party has propagated a policy of religious appeasement, providing preferential treatment to certain communities while neglecting others. This strategy was most evident during the party’s tenure in power from 2004 to 2014 when they implemented numerous schemes specifically targeted towards one religious group without addressing the needs of others.

One can recall the politically motivated implementation of the Sachar Committee report, which solely focused on the development of Muslim communities, while disregarding other economically vulnerable sections of society. This and similar acts showcase the party’s biased approach, suggesting that their secularism is merely a façade used to secure vote banks.

Moreover, it is disheartening to witness how the Congress party has time and again allied with parties that openly promote sectarian ideologies. Their alliances with parties like the All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) and the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), both known for their polarizing rhetoric, clearly indicate that the INC’s commitment to genuine secularism is questionable.

Out of rhe blue the Congress started peddling a narrative of being a Soft Hindutva party, with temple runs by Rahul & Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, but that narrative doesn’t seem to be accepted by the Voter’s, reason ? Many believe they are deceptive, moreover Congress has got stuck in a rut of over projecting Rahul Gandhi as a PM face though he being unpredictable in terms of his knowledge and detailing.

The example of Rahul Gandhi’s comments during a campaign rally in Wayanad further exposed the Congress party’s disregard for true secularism. Gandhi claimed that the party is an inclusive one, open for all citizens, except the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Such divisive statements hardly align with the principles of secularism they so vehemently claim to espouse.

Furthermore, the Congress party’s track record in handling sensitive issues of communal violence and maintaining law and order has been abysmal. History has witnessed numerous instances where, instead of promoting harmony and punishing the culprits, the party has allowed violence to escalate for political gains. This lack of decisive action and accountability undermines their credibility as true proponents of secularism.

It is evident that the Indian National Congress has exploited the concept of secularism for narrow political interests, dividing communities for electoral gains rather than promoting unity and equality. The party’s selective approach towards religious appeasement and their alliances with sectarian parties clearly indicate their disregard for the principles of true secularism.

As citizens, it is crucial to be mindful of the political games being played under the garb of secularism Or Hindutva and demand accountability from all parties, including the Congress, to uphold the ideals of equality, justice, and religious freedom for all. Only through sincere commitment can we preserve the real spirit of secularism that India has long been known for.