Vaccine Shortage Across Most States Whos to be blamed ?

Vaccine Shortage Across Most States Whos to be blamed ?

Vaccine Shortage Across Most State’s Who’s to be blamed ?

Mumbai : 10th July 2021, Maharashtra Government and other states have been complaining about shortage of Vaccines and Central Government has been deflecting the blames on the State’s,how far is this blame True ?

Vaccination has taken a big hit due to shortage of Vaccines many Vaccination Centres across Maharashtra are closed due to non availability of vaccines.

On one hand Central Government has been promoting Vaccination via all mediums possible so that all Indians get Vaccinated ,but on other hand there is kamjor Vaccine Shortage on Ground, Vaccination Centres are closed people are frantically running around to get Vaccinated but are unable to do so.

Goverment of India and Health Ministry has been warning People about third wave due to irresponsible behavior of citizen’s where Covid Guidelines have gone for a road,but won’t Vaccines Shortage also be one of the reason’s for the Third Wave, whatever be the reasons of Shortage Manufacturer, Transportation or Distribution, at the end of the day all the Government’s be it state or Central are equally responsible for Citizen’s,deflecting blames is not a solution but resolving the issue is. We hope Sanity prevails across all Politicians and they rise above their petty politics and start thinking about the Citizens of this Country at large

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