Western Railways Womens Welfare Organisation Felicitates The All Women Staff Of Matunga Road Station In Mumbai

Western Railways Womens Welfare Organisation Felicitates The All Women Staff Of Matunga Road Station In Mumbai

Western Railways Womens Welfare Organisation Felicitates The All Women Staff Of Matunga Road Station In Mumbai

Western Railway Women’s Welfare Organisation (WRWWO) has always come forward to cater to the welfare of railway employees and their families as well as encourage women employees at their workplace. In continuation to this, on 9th July, 2021 Smt. Tanuja Kansal – President of WRWWO visited Matunga Road station & interacted with women staff. Matunga Road station is the first station on WR to be manned by all women staff. Smt. Kansal was welcomed by President WRWWO Mumbai Division Smt. Sheela Satyakumar at Matunga Road station.

According to a press release issued by Shri Sumit Thakur – Chief Public Relations Officer of Western Railway, Smt. Tanuja Kansal visited Matunga Road station and personally interacted with all staff of the station. She also visited the Booking Office to understand how the work staff manages public interaction at counters. Women staff of Matunga Road station Smt. Archana Yadav Dy. Station Superintendent, Smt. Zoya Khan – Sr. Asst. Commercial Clerk and Smt. Manjeet Bhosale – Ticket Examiner shared their experiences of managing the station run completely by women force. A skit was also performed by the ticket checking staff depicting how to deal with passengers found without ticket.

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